Rules of Zanzi Bar Club


§ 1

Preliminary Terms

§ 2

  1. The Club is open 7 days a week, from Monday to Sunday, from 9pm.
  2. The Organiser when organising Events takes into account the good and safety of Participants as well as law provisions.
  3. The Participant present in the Club agrees to abide by the Rules as well as comply with instructions of security personnel and of Organiser’s representatives. Further, the Participant accepts consents specified in the Rules, including those related to registering (recording) as well as reproduction of the Participant’s physical likeliness in the Club, also as part of the Event.
  4. Persons present in the Club, including those participating in Events organised in the Club, shall read these Rules. The Rules are available at the Organiser’s Website at: The Rules are also available in the paper form in the Club lobby.

Right to Enter

§ 3

  1. Persons who are over 18 and purchased an entry ticket for an Event or obtained consent of the Organiser to participate in such Event on any other basis (won a Ticket in a competition, belong to a certain category of persons exempt from the obligation to acquire such Ticket) may enter the Club from 9pm.
  2. The standard price for an entry Ticket for one Event is PLN 20 (say: twenty złoty). The Organiser may decide to change the Ticket price, i.e. increase such price or grant a discount for certain Events or seats/places at an Event. The decision on increasing the Ticket price or granting discounts on the standard Tickets price shall be at the Organiser’s discretion. Information on the current price of Tickets shall be published at the Organiser’s Website at: and in the Club lobby.
  3. Participants can buy a Ticket in person on the date of an Event at the cash box in the Club. Tickets are sold at the entrance of the Club.
  4. Loges and tables in the Club can be booked by the telephone: 727 007 611 or by e-mail:
  5. One Ticket entitles to one entry to an Event. Such Ticket cannot be re-used.
  6. Participants are obliged to wear evening clothes for an Event (e.g. men should wear long trousers).
  7. A purchased Ticket or any other printed out form of Organiser’s consent to participate in an Event should be considered as individual consent of the Organiser to enter the Event. Such consent can be withdrawn at any time due to reasons connected with the necessity to abide by the safety rules of other Participants in the Event or the Club. If consent to participate in an Event is withdrawn before the Participant enters the Club for an Event, then such Participant who has purchased a Ticket or made a reservation shall be entitled to reimbursement of the entire amount of the Ticket or reservation he paid for.
  8. Information regarding Events in the Club and current prices of the Tickets as well as reservation of entry to the Club is at the Club’s Website:
  9. The Club shall not be liable for incidents related to force majeure which could occur at the Event, such as a disaster, a fire, a bomb scare, evacuation ordered by authorised officials, including the police or the fire brigade. In such circumstances the Club shall not be obliged to reimburse money for Tickets and reservations paid for or compensation for any other claims related to on-occurrence or discontinuation of an Event due to the above reasons.

Safety Rules

§ 4

  1. A person (or: persons) designated by the Organiser who invites the participants inside shall be responsible for checking Tickets as well as letting the Participants in for the Event. Persons entering the Club premises shall submit themselves to personal check as well as their luggage check.
  2. The following persons shall be forbidden to enter the Club:
    1. persons intoxicated or under influence of drugs;
    2. persons entered in the register kept by the Head of the Police Force (on the basis of Article 37 Section 2 of Mass Event Safety Act of 20 March 2009, Dz. U. of 2009, No. 62, Section 504, as amended);
    3. persons who behave in a manner (including aggression, insults directed to other persons) which poses a threat to safety to dignity of other Event Participants.
  3. It is not allowed to bring alcohol beverages or drugs or materials posing a threat to life and health of other Event Participants, such as: weapons, explosive and pyrotechnic materials, sharp tools. Such objects shall be confiscated and given back in the presence of police officers.
  4. Event Participants shall not:
    1. go to places in the Club which are not designated for Event Participants;
    2. go out of the Club with alcohol bought in the Club;
    3. sell, advertise or acquire any goods or services or organise charity fundraising without Organiser’s consent.
  5. An Event Participant shall behave in a manner which does not pose a threat to safety of other Participants, inform security personnel hired by the Organiser of situations when human life, health or property are endangered as well as abide by instructions and recommendations of the security personnel of the Event Organiser.
  6. To ensure safety for Participants the Organiser shall keep monitoring by use of security cameras. The Organiser shall be entitled to record activity of the Participants by use of equipment registering visions and sound. Should any infringement of the Rules or any other law provisions be found out, the recorded audiovisual material recorded at the Club with recorded physical likeliness of Participants can be passed to relevant state authorities, in particular the police.

Reproduction of Physical Likeliness of the Participant

§ 5

  1. By way of deciding to be in the Club, including participation in an Event, the Participant consents to reproduction by the Organiser of pictures or audiovisual materials (films) with the Participant’s physical likeliness recorded in the Club, also as part of the Event (in accordance with Article 81 Section 2 item 2 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 4 February 1994, Dz. U. 1994, No. 24, item 83, as amended) in the manner specified in these Rules.
  2. The Organiser shall use the Participant’s physical likeliness recorded as part of pictures or films from the Club for advertisement and promotion of the Club and of the Organiser. Pictures and films with the Participant’s physical likeliness shall be reproduced on the Club Website as well as in Club social media (such as Facebook, Instagram).
  3. The Organiser shall be entitled to reproduce the Participant’s physical likeliness recorded on pictures or films from the Club in connection with other materials or images. The Organiser shall not interfere with the Participant’s physical likeliness.
  4. The Participant hereby consents that his physical likeliness be reproduced free of charge in the manner specified in the Rules, without the need for the Participant to accept the method of reproduction of the Participant’s physical likeliness, also in connection with other materials or images.
  5. In case of any objections regarding the manner of reproduction of his physical likeliness, the Participant can send them at:

Rules of Club Cloakroom

§ 6

  1. In the Club there is a cloakroom where Participants can deposit such things as outer garment, bags, rucksacks. The Organiser is entitled to oblige Participants to deposit outer garments in the cloakroom due to weather (rain, snow, temperature below 0oC) to ensure comfort for Participants being in the Club.
  2. The fee for the Club cloakroom is PLN 2.00 (say: two zloty) per one item. Participants depositing their belongings in the cloakroom will have a number (a ring with number) at which their belonging will be stored. Only one item can be deposited at one number.
  3. The Club shall not be responsible for any items left in pockets, bags, rucksacks, etc.
  4. If the Participant loses a number ring, they will be able to get it back after the Event ends or on the following days after the Event.
  5. If the Participant holds a number ring and the object deposited by him is not found at such number, the Organiser shall issue a receipt to the Participant with which they should present themselves at the designated insurer which will cover loss suffered by the Participant.
  6. If the Participant loses a number ring, he shall pay PLN 20.00 (say: twenty złoty).

Personal Data

§ 7

  1. The Organiser, namely: Explosion Club Sp. z o.o. s. k. with its registered office in Warsaw, at the address: ul. Stokłosy 6/1, 02-784 Warsaw, shall be the controller of personal data, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2918 and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”).
  2. The Participant can contact the controller at the address:
  3. Personal data shall be processed to protect property and ensure safety of persons present at the Club premises as well as at the Club entrance.
  4. Article 6 Section 1 letter f) GDPR shall constitute legal basis for the purposes of the legitimate interest pursued by the controller, i.e. ensuring safety for persons or property as well as realisation of the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller, such as: own administration purposes of the controller, satisfaction of potential claims and undertaking actions in connection with debt recovery.
  5. Persons or entities co-operating with the controller within the scope necessary for the Club operations and organisation of Events as well as entities entitled to obtain and process personal data for purposes arising from valid law provisions shall be recipients of personal data.
  6. The Participant shall be entitled to access to and rectification or erasure of personal data, the right to restrict his data processing, the right to transfer and the exercise of the right to object to processing thereof as well as file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority (the President of the Personal Data Protection Office), if the Participant finds out that processing his personal data violates law provisions.


§ 8

  1. If the Participant decides to participate in an Event on the basis of a Ticket or other consent of the Organiser and enter the Club, it shall be considered as his acceptance of the Rules.
  2. The Organiser shall not be responsible for objects left by the Participant at the Club premises.
  3. The Participant shall be under criminal and financial liability for material losses made at the Club premises.
  4. The Organiser may change the Rules. Information on such change shall be immediately published at the Organiser’s Website, including by way of providing a list of changes introduced to the Rules. Changes to the Rules shall become valid upon elapse of 7 days from the publication thereof.
  5. Relevant Civil Code provisions as well as of those of the Copyright and Related Rights Act shall apply to all the matters not regulated herein.

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